Recent direct measurements of the energy spectra of the charged cosmic ray have revealed unexpected spectral features, most notably the onset of a progressive hardening at few hundreds of GeV/n not only of proton and He spectra but also observable for heavier nuclei. Thus, the study of the spectra behavior of heavy elements may shed light on understanding propagation and acceleration phenomena in our Galaxy. In particular, Fe and Ni provide favorable conditions for observations thanks to the low background contamination from spallation of higher mass elements they are affected by. The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, has been measuring high-energy cosmic rays on the International Space Station since October 2015. The instrument consists of two layers of segmented plastic scintillators, a 3 radiation length thick tungsten-scintillating fiber imaging calorimeter and a 27 radiation length thick PWO calorimeter. It identifies the charge of individual elements up to Ni and beyond and it measures the energy of cosmic-ray nuclei providing a direct measurement of their spectra. In this contribution, the iron and nickel spectra, resulted after 5 years of data acquisition, are presented in the energy range between 10 and 2000 GeV/n and between 8.8 and 240 GeV/n, respectively. The analysis procedure and the assessment of systematic errors are detailed, in addition to the ratio between the two fluxes. Both spectra show similar shape and energy dependence.
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