We show that whenever the Gibbs state of a quantum spin system satisfies decay of correlations, then it is stable, in the sense that local perturbations affect the Gibbs state only locally, and it satisfies local indistinguishability, i.e. it exhibits local insensitivity to system size. These implications hold in any dimension, require only locality of the Hamiltonian, and are based on Lieb–Robinson bounds and on a detailed analysis of the locality properties of the quantum belief propagation for Gibbs states. To demonstrate the versatility of our approach, we explicitly apply our results to several physically relevant models in which the decay of correlations is either known to hold or is proved by us. These include Gibbs states of one-dimensional spin chains with polynomially decaying interactions at any temperature, and high-temperature Gibbs states of quantum spin systems with finite-range interactions in any dimension. We also prove exponential decay of correlations above a threshold temperature for Gibbs states of one-dimensional finite spin chains with translation-invariant and exponentially decaying interactions, and then apply our general results.
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