The association of thyroid medullary carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas and characteristic physical features has been designated MEN III. A case is documented with previously unreported urologic abnormalities and incidental G6PD deficiency. An 11 year old girl presented with growth retardation, chronic diarrhea, enuresis, recurrent urinary tract infections, neurogenic bladder, hydroureters and hydronephrosis. She had a Marfan-like appearance, thickened eyelids and lips, tongue nodules,prominent corneal nerves, joint laxity and muscle wasting. Cervical adenopathy was present, but no palpable thyroid nodules, abdominal organomegaly or masses. Studies showed a “cold” nodule on thyroid scan, a suprarenal mass by ultrasound, multiple lytic lesions on skeletal survey and an extradural mass on myelogram. There was a markedly increased urinary VMA and plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, CEA (380 ng/ml, normal<2.5) and calcitonin (154,500 pg/ml, normal 30-135). Biopsy of rib lesion showed infiltration by small round tumor cells filled with numerous membrane delimited secretory granules, consistent with a neural crest origin. Since the neurogenic bladder may reflect a disorder of autonomic innervation, its association with tumors of neuroectodermal origin suggests a common underlying defect of embryonal migratory neuroblastic elements.
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