ABSTRACT The transition from Internal Combustion (IC) engines to Electric Vehicles (EVs), the electric load on the distribution system has increased gradually in last few decades. There are various challenges in the development of EVCS infrastructure to give cost effective charging. In this article smart charging system (Grid to Vehicle (G2V), Vehicle to Grid (V2G), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Mobile Charging Station (MCS)), EV load modeling and the latest optimization method used by the researchers are discussed. EVCS as compensation devices to reduce the effect of EV load on the distribution network along with the safety considerations is also discussed in this article. Further, a Smart Energy management system is discussed to increase the EVCS owner profit. Also, the EVCS have to be sited at optimal place in the grid to reduce the system power losses, ensure stability, improve reliability, etc. and also ensure the EV demands. Suitable integration of (EVCS) at the proper places is challenging and essential to overcome the above issues. In addition, there are some other parameters like cost of EVCS and the behavior of EV which are also important for Distribution network operators and the charging station owners are also discussed in this article.
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