Under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1967 the Health Care Financing Administration's proficiency-testing requirement applies to approximately 12,000 hospital, reference, and large-clinic laboratories in the United States. The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene is approved by the Health Care Financing Administration to provide proficiency testing in all specialties and subspecialties. The focus of the program is to provide highly specialized service and support to a limited number of participants in order to assess intralaboratory performance correctly. We report the findings over the four proficiency-testing events in 1991 for the subspecialty of routine chemistry, which serves approximately 470 participants. Failure rates for individual analytes on single proficiency testing events ranged from 0% to 13%. After four events or one year, if the mandated evaluation criteria and failure rules were strictly applied, as many as 11% of the laboratories could have found themselves involuntarily suspended from offering all routine chemistry testing.