化工工艺学作为化学工程与工艺专业的专业核心课程之一,上承专业基础理论课程,下接其他专业理论和实践课程。在课程教学中融入思政元素, 是夯实学生化工专业知识和培养学生家国情怀、工程伦理和职业素养的重要而有效的途径。本文根据化工工艺学对专业毕业要求支撑情况,梳理了本课程的“术”育和“道”育目标,从民族自豪感、社会责任感与使命感、辩证思维与科学创新、工程伦理与职业素养等方面对思政教育与课程教学的融入进行了探索;同时针对思政教学内容的教学设计、一个合理的、可衡量的“线上+线下”双通道过程性考核评价体系的构建进行了讨论,为化工工艺学课程教学改革提供了新思路。Chemical process engineering, as one of the core courses in the Chemical Engineering and Technology major, serves as a bridge between fundamental professional theoretical courses and other specialized theoretical and practical courses. Integrating ideological and political elements into course instruction is an important and effective method for students to strengthen their chemical engineering expertise and cultivate their sense of patriotism, engineering ethics, and professionalism. In this paper, the “technical” and “moral” teaching objectives were clarified based on the support provided by chemical process engineering for meeting the graduation requirements. The integration of ideological and political education into course teaching was explored from the perspectives of national pride, social responsibility and mission, dialectical thinking and scientific innovation, engineering ethics, and professionalism. Additionally, the teaching design for the ideological and political content, as well as the construction of a reasonable and measurable formative assessment system using both “online” and “offline” channels, was discussed. This approach provides a new perspective for the reform of chemical process engineering course teaching.
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