The incidence of cerebromotor disorders of cerebral palsied subjects on their orthopedic state is a constant: excess contractions leading to misalignments, muscular and periarticular retractions, displacements of mobility sectors, bone deformations These orthopedic consequences are correlated to the degree motor impairment. Rehabilitation, orthopaedic, medical and surgical treatments find their relevance all the more so if the factors of the disorders are correctly identified, evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. The contributions of clinical and paraclinical examinations complement each other to provide professionals with the richest range possible. In 1991, Dr Alain Lespargot described a clinical examination allowing to define the sectors of mobility where the hip is in a situation of satisfactory centering or on the contrary, of less centering. This article studies the interest of this examination in addition to radiography. This is a first step to show that this clinical examination effectively accounts for the centering situation of the hips flexed around 90°. It is reliable and reproducible. However, it requires some practice and repetition, like many of our other professional gestures.
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