This study aims to identify the relationship between teachers' perceptions of the implementation of the Khatam Al-Quran (KAQ) Model and the Tasmik Al-Quran (TAQ) Model in the j-QAF program with management commitment. The management commitment domain studied consists of three main components: j-QAF program management, support and facilities, and guidance and monitoring. A quantitative research design was employed using a survey instrument administered to 56 samples from a population of 216 Islamic Education Teachers (GPI) in the Kuala Nerus district of Terengganu. The research data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS Version 22 software. The findings of the study indicate that the implementation of KAQ and TAQ is at a high level with overall mean values of 3.86 and 4.03, respectively. Teachers' perceptions of KAQ have a positive and significant relationship with management commitment, with an overall correlation coefficient (rs=0.545, p 0.000). The correlation coefficients for each component are (rs=0.274, p 0.041) for j-QAF program management, (rs=0.508, p 0.000) for support and facilities, and (rs=0.459, p 0.000) for guidance and monitoring. Similarly, teachers' perceptions of TAQ also have a positive and significant relationship with management commitment, with an overall correlation coefficient (rs=0.601, p 0.000). The correlation coefficients for each component are (rs=0.405, p 0.002) for j-QAF program management, (rs=0.379, p 0.004) for support and facilities, and (rs= 0.449, p 0.001) for guidance and monitoring. Aspects that require attention include guidance and monitoring, teacher needs, student weaknesses, and training and professional development courses for teachers to achieve maximum success in implementing the KAQ and TAQ Models.