The success of podcasts created by women is evident in the Spanish offer, as evidenced by the awards for the programs Deforme Semanal Ideal Total and Estirando el chicle. Despite this, the literature on this phenomenon is scarce, so it is necessary to study the narrative of these products, which are increasingly consumed by the audience. This proposal quantitatively analyzes a selection of the main Spanish conversational native podcasts hosted by women, in order to distinguish the topics covered. A large-scale content analysis of YouTube transcripts of the programs Deforme Semanal, Dulces y Saladas, Estirando el chicle, Keep It Cutre, Nos Tienen Contentas and Saldremos Mejores was carried out. The sample is comprised of 143,319 lines of text, subjected to a word frequency analysis to explore the most common subjects. The results reveal the predominance of a set of categories: politics, family and relationships, work, emotions and feelings, feminism, sexuality and sexual orientation, leisure and culture. This diversity of topics shows that this is not a homogeneous phenomenon, but rather that it has a diverse content that moves away from the label of a niche product.
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