Whey is a costly and environmentally harmful co-product. Coming from the activities of dairy industries, especially cheese production, whey cannot be discarded directly into the environment because it has a high content of organic matter, which can become an environmental and economic problem, since its treatment for subsequent disposal is time consuming and laborious. In recent decades, however, much research has been developed in search of viable alternatives for the use of whey, instead of just discarding it. One alternative to this is the valorization of whey. The valorization of whey is, therefore, of great interest for economic-environmental reasons and is essential to meet the requirements of Agenda 2030, especially with regard to ODS 6, 9 and 12 (Drinking Water and Sanitation; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Responsible Consumption and Production, respectively). This article sought to present a characterization of the production of whey, through a literature review using bibliometric techniques, in order to highlight some alternatives for the reuse and valorization of whey in the industry and its relationship with the environment and the environmental impacts correlated to the disposal and improper handling. Pointing out industrial sectors that can insert whey in production with a view to sustainability and reduction of environmental impacts. With the review of the selected articles to compose this work, it was possible to identify that the valorization of whey is an excellent alternative that should be implemented in industries and that provides gains in both economic and environmental issues.