High-performance microprocessors need high current (ampere-level), high accuracy, and fast-response power supplies. Comparing to analog and digital low-dropout (LDO) regulators, the switching LDO can be a better candidate for such requirements, as it can drive large power transistor(s) fast and accurately. However, conventional switching LDOs need large load capacitance to reduce the output ripple, which restricts their applications. This article presents a 1.5-A fully-integrated switching LDO for microprocessors, with an easily scalable load capability. Here, we introduce three techniques together to relief the output capacitance requirement: 1) four-phase 500-MHz pulsewidth modulation (PWM) with inherent current balancing; 2) current-limited power cells resisting processor voltage and temperature (PVT) variations; and 3) hybrid fast-slow power transistors. Therefore, we reduce significantly the load capacitance to maximum load current ratio <inline-formula xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$C_{\mathrm {L}} / I_{\mathrm {MAX}}$ </tex-math></inline-formula> when compared with the prior switching LDOs. Also, the proposed dual-loop architecture not only achieves a fast transient response, but also provides high-accuracy regulation. In addition, we design the tunable active voltage positioning (AVP). Fabricated in 28-nm CMOS, the proposed switching LDO measures a maximum 70-mV undershoot with a 1-A load current step with 10-ns edge time. The measured load regulation is 1 mV/A and the line regulation is 1.5 mV/V. Also, we obtain a good power supply rejection (PSR) of −63 dB at 10 kHz and −20 dB at 1 MHz. The PWM automatically moves to a pulse-skipping mode at light load, reducing the quiescent current to 1.8 mA, while the peak current efficiency is 99.27%.
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