Book reviewed in this article:The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization. By Elton Mayo.Full Employment and Free Trade. By M. Polanyi, F.R.S. (C.U.P.)Lapses from Full Employment. By A. C. Pigou.The Road to High Employment. By D. B. Copland.The League of Nations Reconstruction Schemes in the Inter‐War Period.Work of the League During the War.Location and Effects of War‐time Industrial Expansion in Canada, 1939‐44.Price Control in the Post‐war Period. By Norman S. Buchanan.National Product in Wartime. By Simon Kuznets.Bureaucracy. By Ludwig von Mises.The Kentucky State Budget System.Housing Policy.Aquinas and Modern Practices of Interest Taking. By John P. Kelly.Economics. By John Ise.Economic Analysis and Problems. By John P. Cronin.The Development of the Soviet Economic System. By Alexander Baykov. No. V in the Economic and Social Studies of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. (Cambridge University Press, 1946.)Industrialization and Foreign Trade. League of Nations Economic and Financial Publication, 1945:Small and Big Business: Economic Problems of the Size of Firms. By Joseph Steindl.The Structure of Production. Prepared by H. F. Goerke.International Investment and Domestic Welfare. By Norman S. Buchanan.The Economics of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Industry–Part 2: Price Behaviour and Competition. By Joe S. Bain.Bank for International Settlements (Basle), Fifteenth Annual Report, April 1944 to March 1945. Pp. 162.Volkswirtschaftliche Grundbegriffe und Grundtprobleme (Fundamental Concepts and Problems of Political Economy). By Alfred Amonn.Grundlehren der Nationalökonomie (Fundamental Doctrines o'l Economics). By Eugen Bonier.The Industrialization of Backward Areas. By K. Mandelbaum.Pioneer Settlement in the Asiatic Tropics. By K. J. Pelzer.The Wheats of Classical Antiquity. By Naum Jasny.The World's Hunger. By Frank A. Pearson and Floyd A. Harper.International Payments; a Science. By Ray Ovid Hall.Famine, Rationing and Food Policy in Cochin. By K. G. Sivaswamy; and Medical Surverjs. By Lt.‐Col. T. S. Shastry and Dr. J. A. Bhat.Regulation of Wages and Other Problems of Industrial Labour in India. By D. E. Gadgil.Geschichte der Volksivirtschaftslehre (History of Economic Theory). By Edgar Salin.
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