1. When a circular cylinder is submerged in a uniform stream, the surface elevation may be calculated, to a first approximation, by a method due originally to Lamb for this case, and later extended to bodies of more general form: the method consists in replacing the cylinder by the equivalent doublet at its centre and then finding the fluid motion due to this doublet. In discussing the problem some years ago, I remarked that if the solution so obtained were interpreted in terms of an image system of sources, we should then be able to proceed to further approximations by the method of successive images, taking images alternately in the surface of the submerged body and in the free surface of the stream. This is effected in the following paper for two-dimensional fluid motion, and the method is applied to the circular cylinder. It provides, theoretically at least, a process for obtaining any required degree of approximation but, of course, the expressions soon become very complicated. It is, however, of interest to examine some cases numerically so as to obtain some idea of the degree of approximation of the first stage. An expression is first obtained for the velocity potential of the fluid motion due to a doublet at a given depth below the surface of a stream, the doublet being of given magnitude with its axis in any direction. A transformation of this expression then gives a simple interpretation in terms of an image system. This system consists of a certain isolated doublet at the image point above the free surface, together with a line distribution of doublets on a horizontal line to the rear of this point; the moment per unit length of the line distribution is constant, but the direction of the axis rotates as we pass along the line, the period of a revolution being equal to the wave-length of surface waves for the velocity of the stream. The contribution of each part of the image system to the surface disturbance is indicated.
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