This paper discusses the electrical impedance tomography (EIT)problem: electric currents are injected into a body with unknownelectromagnetic properties through a set of contact electrodes.The corresponding voltages that are needed to maintain thesecurrents are measured. The objective is to estimate the unknownresistivity, or more generally the impedivity distribution ofthe body based on this information. The most commonly usedmethod to tackle this problem in practice is to use gradient-based locallinearizations. We give a proof for the differentiability of theelectrode boundary data with respect to the resistivity distribution andthe contact impedances. Due to the ill-posedness of the problem,regularization has to be employed. In this paper, we consider the EITproblem in the framework of Bayesian statistics, where the inverseproblem is recast into a form of statistical inference. The problem is toestimate the posterior distribution of the unknown parametersconditioned on measurement data. From the posterior density,various estimates for the resistivity distribution can becalculated as well as a posteriori uncertainties. The search ofthe maximum a posteriori estimate is typically anoptimization problem, while the conditional expectation iscomputed by integrating the variable with respect to theposterior probability distribution. In practice, especially whenthe dimension of the parameter space is large, this integrationmust be done by Monte Carlo methods such as the Markov chainMonte Carlo (MCMC) integration. These methods can also be usedfor calculation of a posteriori uncertainties for theestimators. In this paper, we concentrate on MCMC integrationmethods. In particular, we demonstrate by numerical examples thestatistical approach when the prior densities arenon-differentiable, such as the prior penalizing the totalvariation or the L1 norm of the resistivity.
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