An important class of electromechanical system known as the industrial plant emulator system which represents the many practical systems used in the industry. The motion control of the emulator system is challenging and important one as it mimics the system class of conveyors, machine tools, spindle drives, and automated assembly machines. In this paper, a new quantitative feedback-feedforward approach is proposed to address both tracking and the disturbance (measurable, uncertain) rejection problem. The proposed methodology is centered on the design of feedback controller with the inversion based feedforward control. The proposed method converts the problem on the uncertain system into a nominal sensitivity problem which is simple, less conservative and easier to solve for a large number of uncertain parameter system such as the emulator plant. The unknown dynamic of the disturbance (motor) is identified practically by a step response (three parameter model) for integrating system. The proposed feedforward/feedback control is experimentally demonstrated to meet the tracking and reject the disturbance with the less demand on the feedback control as compared to the existing methods under different loading condition.