Remote research studies are an invaluable tool for reaching populations with limited access to large medical centers or universities. To expand the remote study toolkit, we previously developed homeRNA, which allows for at-home self-collection and stabilization of blood and demonstrated the feasibility of using homeRNA in high temperature climates. Here, we expand upon this work through a systematic study exploring the effects of high temperature on RNA integrity (represented as RNA Integrity Number, RIN) through in-lab and field experiments. Compared to the frozen controls (overall mean RIN of 8.2, n = 8), samples kept at 37 °C for 2, 4, and 8 days had mean RINs of 7.6, 5.9, and 5.2 (n = 3), respectively, indicating that typical shipping conditions (∼2 days) yield samples suitable for downstream RNA sequencing. Shorter time intervals (6 h) resulted in minimal RNA degradation (median RIN of 6.4, n = 3) even at higher temperatures (50 °C) compared to the frozen control (mean RIN of 7.8, n = 3). Additionally, we shipped homeRNA-stabilized blood from a single donor to 14 states and back during the summer with continuous temperature probes (7.1 median RIN, n = 42). Samples from all locations were analyzed with 3' mRNA-seq to assess differences in gene counts, with the data suggesting that there was no preferential degradation of transcripts as a result of different shipping times, temperatures, and regions. Overall, our data support that homeRNA can be used in elevated temperature conditions, enabling decentralized sample collection for telemedicine, global health, and clinical research.
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