The article focuses on the analytical and comparative aspect of legal regulation of international relations in the Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, and Ukraine. Law of the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, and Ukraine applied to employment relations complicated by a foreign element is authentic. This authenticity means that first, each of the states has its own source of legal regulation of these private law relations with a foreign element different by titles and/or type of legal acts (the Labour Law in the Republic of Latvia, the Labour Law in the Republic of Lithuania, Law of Ukraine "On Private International Law"). Second, the conflict of laws provisions are different in the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, and Ukraine. The study presents the article-by-article digest of the Labour Law in the Republic of Latvia, the Labour Law in the Republic of Lithuania, Law of Ukraine "On Private International Law" meant for legal regulation of international employment relations. Thus, the Latvian legislators assign certain obligations to employers when it comes to seconding employees to work in the Republic of Latvia and abroad.
 The Lithuanian legislators set: first, the rules to be applied to the employment relations with seconded employees; second, the specifics of regulation of employment relations in diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Lithuania; third, the authentic approach to regulation of employment relations when it comes to water, air, and automotive vehicles; fourth, the rules to be applied to individual employment relations; fifth, the rules to be applied to collective employment relations.
 The Ukrainian legislators point to, first, the authentic nature of legal regulation of employment relations with the Ukrainian nationals working abroad; second, the specificity of legal regulation of employment relations with foreigners and stateless persons working in Ukraine.
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