JAMA Neurology has officially started its new journal feature, the Clinical Challenge. This section, which is under the editorship of Lawrence S. Honig, MD, PhD, had its first article published online March 30, 2015.1 This article type will be initially published 4 times per year, with a planned expansion to 6 times per year. The goal of this feature is to assist the busyphysicianwith a short but diagnostically challenging case, allowing the physician toneurologically reasontheanswer.Readerswillbechallengedtoarriveat thecorrectdiagnosis for thecase fromasmall dataset, including case narratives and imaging. Readers will see a short clinical synopsis and relevant images and laboratory information, permitting them to exercise their diagnostic skills. The correct diagnostic answerwill not simply be the thought of the physician author but will, in all cases, be a definitive diagnosiswith confirmationby genetic, laboratory, or biopsy or autopsy pathological information. The feature will be published online, allowing the physician to take the challenge and then have immediate access to the answer, the actual diagnosis, and an accompanying brief discussion of how itwas reasonable to come to that diagnosis from the case synopsis. In the online version, the physician will be able to see, as in prior online quizzes, which answers colleagues favored. In the print version, the answer and discussion will be available toward the end of the pages in the same journal issue. The overall format of this section will continue to be like that of its online quiz predecessor, the successful feature, What is Your Diagnosis?, which was published only in online form on a quarterly basis from January 2011 through July 2014. The Clinical Challenge is the successor to this feature but is an integral journal section, alternatively viewable interactively online from a computer or mobile device or in the print version of the journal. It will be indexed like other articles. JAMA Neurology invites the submission of papers to this section. Any submission should include a maximum of as many as 3 authors and should adhere to the following format: an introductory paragraph introducing and describing the clinical case (nomore than 250 words); 1 to 3 figures including imaging, electrophysiological, and/or other laboratory data; 4 multiple choice potential answers for diagnosis; and a paragraph of discussion (no more than 600 words) disclosing the correct diagnosis and including as many as 10 references. We invite papers through the standard JAMA Neurology submissions process and anticipate a rapid review and publication process. All JAMA Neurology Clinical Challenges will be included intheJAMANetworkChallenge,apeer-reviewedmedicalgame provided forwide circulation. Access can be reached through the following link: http://mobile.jamanetwork.com/challenge .html. Instructions to authors for guidelines in preparing the Clinical Challenge can be found at: http://archneur .jamanetwork.com/public/instructionsForAuthors.aspx #SecJAMANeurologyClinicalChallenge.