Natural-mining technogenic systems formed within the boundaries of the tailings toxic waste impact of the closed Khrustalnensky GOK mining enterprise (the Primorsky Krai) were the object of research. The article presents the data of the long-term researches of the problem for development of technological solution of the accumulated mineral processing toxic wastes management. Exposed to weathering and transformation into new forms, they migrate with groundwater and air flows, having negative impact on ecosphere and human being. Considering this, the aim of the research was to substantiate the need to develop a technological solution for the management of toxic wastes based on the assessment of the present state of the technogenic system and modeling to develop a new technology of liquidation of accumulated environmental damage of the past operation of the former Khrustalnenskiy GOK mining enterprise. Based on the aim of the study, a fundamental research task was established. It includes the scientific basis of assessment and prognosis of environment situation adverse changes. It is established that the technological solution of toxic mining wastes management is based on the results of experimental researches, proposed criteria and principles of ecological rehabilitation of the tailings surface, mining-environmental monitoring of environment objects changes, mathematical modeling of transfer and accumulation of toxic waste technogenic pollution, based on the fundamental principles of hydraulics and engineering hydrology, updating and developing the database of mining and environmental monitoring of ecosystems within the tailings impact boundaries, with regard to the calculation of the pollutants dispersion in the biosphere in the GIS MapInfo-6.0 format.