In this article the authors investigate the issue of employment of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The studied foreign experience has shown that in developed countries the government develops various state programs aimed at the development of an inclusive society. The activity of these bodies is manifested in the implementation of measures that promote effective employment of persons with disabilities. The study showed that the non-profit sector also plays an important role in the adaptation of persons with disabilities in the labor market. The article shows the analysis of the state of the labor market of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the last 5 years. The authors showed the structure of the number of persons with disabilities in the context of regions of Kazakhstan, as well as crisis and emergency statuses in the context of regions The parameters of the level of social well-being of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan were given. The study showed the structure of employed persons with disabilities in the context of industries, as well as the factors that negatively affect the process of employment of persons with disabilities. State support for the employment of persons with disabilities depends on many factors, including socio-cultural, economic and legislative features of a particular country. The main principles of state support for persons with disabilities include the principle of equal opportunities, the principle of individual approach, the principle of inclusion, partnership and consultation and others. The authors cited the example of state social policy of Sweden and other developed countries as an example of social policy development for our country. In addition, the article shows the state measures to promote employment for persons with disabilities.
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