The principle of relative motion as the cause of forces on a body submersedin a uid is foundational in the study of uid mechanics. In aerodynamics the wind tunnelis used as a convenient and safe method by which to test the aerodynamic performance ofbodies. This body-stationary convention has carried over into the computational world withthe development of CFD, though there is no practical reason why the moving body/stationaryuid set-up that corresponds to reality cannot be used for computational modelling. This pointbecomes particularly important as the concept of ground e ect is introduced. With an extraboundary nearby it becomes harder to appropriatel y match the experimental set-up with reality,and the extra boundary condition also adds complexity to computational simulation. A studywas undertaken to compare the body-stationary and body-moving reference frames in grounde ect. The moving reference frame velocity elds allowed new insight into the aerodynamics ofground e ect.