Guinea pigs were treated with HgCI2 or Cantharidin for the kidneys and CCI4 or dl-Ethionine for the liver, so that no histopathological changes of the auditary organ developed, and the acoustic stimuli were given.The treated animals were asumed to have developed unhealthy intrinsic factors, the ear being Locus minoris resistantae to the acoustic trauma. The acoustic stimuli loaded were 120 Phon at 2000 cps repeated for 10 day(for 2 hours every other day)or 110 Phon repeated for 10 days(for 2 hours daily).It was confirmed that the acoustic stimuli caused no pathological changes of the auditoryor- gan. The results, obtained were as follows: 1)When the animals with the injury of kidneys were exposed to the acoustic sti- muli, degeneration of cells were observed at the 2 nd turn of Corti's organ. 2)When the animals with the injury of liver were exposed to the acoustic sti- muli, degeneration of cells were observed at the 2nd turn of Corti's organ. 3)Preyer's reflex test showed an obvious impairment in the high tone region. It was concluded that the susceptibility to acoustic trauma was increased in those animals with the injury of kidneys or liver.
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