The relevance of the article is to describe the practical experience of psycholinguistic studies on the professionally oriented English lessons concerning such directions as electotechnique, automation, mechanics being dealt with students’ associative links finding out, terms decoding, the projection of technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory on the basis of previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. The authors observed the daily process of language and metalinguistic reflection, the deployment of linguistic tissue in speech as a spiritual activity involving psycholinguistic exercises concerning each abovenamed technical specialty to be represented after analyzing the main psycholinguistic ideas by known scientists. The author s of this article emphasize th e importance to involve students into the search of psycholinguistic images for the technical terms during real existing studying process within the concrete Ukrainian higher educational establishment - the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. It is possible to confirm that the assimilation of technical terms on practical classes of technical English language in the sphere of electotechnique, automation, mechanics is always deepened due to technical terms decoding and their transformation into psycholinguistic images - so-called thoughtform as well as Internet references WebQuests posters with the adequate imaged terms. Besides, it should be also confirmed that the foreign-language professionally oriented technical speech should be primarily regarded as a moving-fluid creative phenomenon aiming to form one general product either from speech, movement, experience, perception, memorizing, emotion, interest, thinking, decoding , associations with commonly used vocabulary aiming to represent psycholinguistic images within introduction of conversational situations. It was lawful to apply psycholinguistic experiment as a method of the conducted research involving students of technical training direction into a poll to confirm or to deny the positivity to find out associative links, to decode terms, to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary aiming to develop psychomotor and emotional memory basing upon previous personal knowledge and experience to generate and to percept foreign language speech. Such psycholinguistic experiment showed the interest of technical training direction s tudents to apply all psycholinguistic factors to study technical terms in images especially on the stage of finding out associative links with technical terms ( 35 % ). Comparatively less positive factors were detected as the stage to project technical terms on commonly used vocabulary ( 26 % ) as well as the stage to develop psychomotor and emotional memory while studying technical terms ( 24 % ) or the stage to decode technical terms ( 15 % ). The prospect of research is a description of the experience of practicing some psycholinguistic studies on the English profweessionally oriented language to train students not only for the technical but also for the agrobiological, economic, philological and, in fact, the psychological direction itself.