Zoos are considering to be essential places for the conservation of wild animal species. It is essential to prevent their infection by pathogens especially for those belonging to threatened or extinct species. Zoo captive animals are susceptible to several Culicoides and mosquito borne-viruses. In order to further evaluate the risk of pathogen transmission in zoos, it is essential to identify the presence of potential vector species, as well as the animals bitten by those vectors. For this purpose, Culicoides and mosquito species composition was investigated in ten sites from March to June 2021 for Culicoides (18 collection nights) and in four sites from April to June 2022 for mosquitoes (16 collection nights) at the National Zoological Garden of Rabat (ZGR), Morocco. Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were collected using Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute traps (UV-light/suction traps (OVI type)), every two weeks. Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected using BG-Pro mosquito trap (BGP) combined with a CO2 source as an attractant, on two consecutive days every two weeks. The blood meal of engorged Culicoides was amplified by PCR, sequenced, and blasted for host species identification. In total, 1584 individuals belonging to the Culicoides genus were collected (88.25% females and 11.75% males) belonging to at least 13 different species. Among the species collected, Culicoides newsteadi (33.28%), C. imicola (23.74%), C. circumscriptus (18.88%) and C. obsoletus/C. scoticus (7.96%) constituted the majority of the total catches. These species are proven or suspected vector species of bluetongue and African hose sickness viruses in the Mediterranean basin. For mosquitoes, 455 individuals belonging to four species of three genera were collected (97.58% females and 2.42% males): Culex pipiens s.l. (94.29%) (vector species of West Nile and Rift Valley fever viruses), Culiseta longiareolata (4.81%), Aedes detritus s.l. and Ae. caspius (representing together less than 1.00%). The results of blood meal analyses revealed that Culicoides fed on humans (n=7), camels (n=2), and common eland (n=2). The composition of Culicoides and mosquito fauna is characteristic of the Rabat region. The composition is thus mostly determined by the environment rather than by the animal species presence. The results highlighted that Culicoides fed on humans and ruminants. It is therefore likely that the zoo's animals could be threatened by arboviruses transmitted by domestic animals in the region. Particular attention must be paid to the prevention of vector-borne diseases to ensure the proper conservation of species.
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