GOTHIC is an integrated, general purpose thermal hydraulic software package for design, licensing, safety and operating analysis of Nuclear Power Plant containments, confinement buildings and system components. It bridges the gap between the lumped parameter codes frequently used for containment analysis (such as MELCOR, MAAP, COCOSYS, ASTEC codes) and Computational Fluid Dynamics codes. Within a single model, GOTHIC can include regions treated in conventional lumped parameter mode and regions with three-dimensional flows in complex geometries. The heat transfer correlations built into GOTHIC cover the portion of the boiling curve which spans single phase heat transfer up to pre-Critical Heat Flux (CHF) heat transfer. The implemented boiling curve is truncated to exclude post-CHF heat transfer as it has not been adequately verified and was considered by the developers to have little application in general containment analysis. As such, one area that the code is not currently qualified for is post-CHF heat transfer, which could occur for example in the case of In-Vessel Corium Retention, where cooling water enters in contact with the high temperature of the Reactor Pressure Vessel wall. The presented research focuses on creating an external subroutine that solves this limitation, enabling the GOTHIC code to account for CHF phenomena. The modeling of CHF would be very useful in order to enable the code to simulate the external Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Cooling , as well as other types of severe accidents or analyses where post-CHF simulation is required. Several subroutine function switches were implemented in order to facilitate its usage for different types of heat structures and correlations. The subroutine determines the CHF values based on either: the 2006 Groeneveld Look-up Tables, Lookup Tables for Large Diameter Vertical Tubes, Look-up Tables for Large Diameter Horizontal Tubes, or the correlation used by the MELCOR code for critical heat flux situations. It shall be noted that the developed subroutine and its implementation were performed without the need to have access to the GOTHIC source code. In a previous paper, the GOTHIC code was used to perform a containment safety analysis for the Atucha-I NPP (CNA-I) for an in-vessel retention type of analysis. Highly conservative vapour generating boundary conditions were used in order to simulate the boiling between the cavity water and the RPV surface, and to bypass the GOTHIC limitation. The newly developed subroutine was used for the analysis of two postulated Atucha-I in-vessel retention scenarios, a Large Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) and a Station Black-Out (SBO), with the simulation of heat transfer between RPV and cavity water. Specifically for in-vessel retention situations, a separate user selectable option for the subroutine was developed, in which the Critical Heat Flux is determined based on experiments performed at the ULPU facility from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, which were combined with the 2006 Groeneveld Look-up Tables primarily in order to have a pressure dependence. This was performed because for the Atucha-I analysis, the pressure was higher than in the ULPU facility.
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