ABSTRACTThrough the use of three‐dimensional photoelasticity, studies have been conducted on the stresses in hatches, windows, and adjacent regions in penetrated spheres under external pressure for use in deep submergence structures.It was found, for tapered plug hatches and stiff “windows” with a low chamfer angle of 15° or less (measured from a local sphere radius at the penetration edge), that the stresses appear to be essentially the same as those in an un‐penetrated shell if the moduli of the shell and the closure are equal.For these low chamfer angles, the peak shell stress was increased when the window modulus was reduced below that of the shell. The highest shell stress was found around a conical frustum window with a large (40°) chamfer angle, which permitted the shell to deform almost freely.Results obtained from study of conical frustum windows having d/h (small face diameter/thickness) in the range of 0.5 to 2.5 indicated that a potentially dangerous stress concentration of a very high order exists on the conical surface near the small face. Small mismatches between window cone angle and seat cone angle appear to have relatively little effect on interior stress distributions, but can be important in reducing the stress concentrations. It was further observed that a window with a d/h < 1 behaves essentially as a conical sector of a hollow sphere, except in the immediate region of the flat small face.Finally, stress distributions from conical hatches and windows are compared with available results obtained from testing of models and prototype bathyspheres, and conclusions are developed relating to the strength and design of hatches and windows. Included are results just obtained from pressurizing small conical windows under constant long‐term loading, as a preliminary index of the tendency of plexiglas windows to creep in service.
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