Musculoskeletal disorders are very common injuries among occupational and healthcare workers. These injuries are preventable in many scenarios using exoskeleton-based assistive technology. Soft robotics initiates an evolution in exoskeleton devices due to their safe human interactions, ergonomic design, and adaptive characteristics. Despite their enormous advantages, it is a challenging task to model and control soft robotic devices due to their inherent nonlinearity and hysteresis. Learning-based approaches are becoming more popular to overcome these limitations. This work proposes an approach to estimate the pressure input for a pneumatically actuated soft robotic elbow exoskeleton to assist occupational workers to avoid musculoskeletal disorders. An elbow exoskeleton design made up of modular pneumatic soft actuators is discussed, which helps to flex/extend an elbow joint. Machine learning (ML) approaches are used to develop a relationship between the air pressure, the bending angle of the elbow, and the percentage of the weight of the arm to be assisted by the exoskeleton. The most popular and widely used regression-based ML approaches are applied and compared in terms of accuracy and computation cost. Further, a modified KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) approach is proposed, which outperforms the accuracy of other approaches.
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