Skin allografts and xenografts are routinely used as dressings to control infection, pain and fluid loss from the burn wound. The procedure for preparing and storing grafts will be reviewed and suggested indications for use will be considered. A method for preparing porcine xenograft will be discussed in some detail. Skin banking by low temperature preservation including conditions and processing necessary for obtaining viable grafts will be discussed. The use of tissue typing matching procedures for obtaining prolonged survival will be considered. Possible harmful effects of grafts will be reviewed. The use of blood and blood products for resuscitation of burn patients is of primary importance in burn patients. The literature will be reviewed concerning a variety of blood and blood products including a consideration of washed cells, single donoplasma, serum albumin and purified blood components for treatment of burned patients. The use and indications for hyper-immune serum and gammu-globulin will be considered. Coagulopathy syndromes, burn wound sepsis, and support of immunologically deficient patients will be discussed on the basis of current literature.