The Department of Engineering Graphics of the RTU MIREA, has been holding the All-Russian Student Competition "Innovative Developments" as part of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics since 2008. This competition is a stage in the concept of a methodological system for the development of the student's intellectual abilities.
 The article describes the original system for evaluating works at the competition, the principle of forming the jury, the principles for selecting works for the competition. The goals of the competition were announced, namely: approbation and presentation of new ideas, including in the field of graphic disciplines; development of modern information technologies by students; development of cooperation between teams of university departments and production teams. The criteria for comparing past competitions with each other are described, the methodology for assessing the success of the competition, the success of competitions is analyzed by year.
 From 2008 to 2022 inclusive representatives of 24 universities presented 96 works for the competition. The article gives the titles, authors and scientific supervisors of the best projects - winners and prize-winners of competitions who scored 200 or more points, ranked by the points scored for the places taken by the students - participants in the competitions. The geography of participating universities is analyzed, universities are ranked by total achievements. There is a positive trend in the number of works submitted to the competition.
 It is noted that some works became the first step in serious scientific research, for example, “Spatial fractals” by L.A. Zhikharev, later became the topic of his dissertation, “Reflections from curvilinear mirrors in space and on a plane” by O.S. Suntsov are currently one of the registered areas of research at the department.
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