The purpose of the article is to study the formation and development of e-government in Bulgaria, as a factor in the modernization of public administration, assessment of trends in the use of administrative e-services based on the analysis of the current situation. The following tasks are solved in the article: the formation of e-government and e-government in Bulgaria is substantiated; e-government reforms are considered; current trends in the development of e-government and e-government as an institutional structure of Bulgaria are studied. The term “Bulgarian e-government” was first used in the Unified system of registration of civil status acts and administrative services in 1977. A successful unified registry of civil status acts provided effective access to citizens and organizations to obtain certificates, copies of civil status acts, forms building permits, use permits, duties, tax regulations. The political changes of 1989 and the democratization of the Republic of Bulgaria caused the need for a new administrative and legal framework, and the preparation for joining the EU – a certain renaissance of the e-government in a new phase and form. In 2005, the Republic of Bulgaria adopted modern national legislation in terms of interoperability with the EU, the National Information Society Strategy, which put the Republic of Bulgaria among the first European countries with such a direction of action. At the same time, there is low confidence in e-services in the Republic of Bulgaria, which is indirectly observed due to too low a percentage of e-purchases. Even in the capital, Sofia, the types of pre-paid services are very limited – instead the practice of payment on delivery is very common. Only business is the bearer of all risks. New generations of users with IT literacy are slowly mastering these changes. Still, gradually, the benefits of more efficient administration and business based on integrated data registers with shared responsibilities are becoming, despite all the difficulties, the best choice for many people. Now the process of e-governance reforms in the Republic of Bulgaria is a component of a new political and economic model of development. For the complete modernization of Public Administration in the Republic of Bulgaria, broad consultations should be introduced between the State agency, the Operator of the Unified System, business and manufacturing, on the one hand, and citizens, on the other. Such actions, combined with reforms, will significantly accelerate the modernization of Public Administration in the state.
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