Background: Pregnancy-induced Non communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are not passed from person to person. They are of long duration and generally slow progression in pregnant periods. The pregnancy-induced non communicable diseases are primarily anemia, thyroid disorders, gestational diabetes mellitus, and pregnancy-related hypertension. The main factor in global maternal mortality and morbidity in noncommunicable diseases. Maternal mortality is one of the health indicators that illustrates the burden of sickness and death. Each year, more than 150 million women become pregnant in developing countries, and an estimated 500, 000 of them die from pregnancy-related causes. Apart from health issues, the majority of women in underdeveloped nations die owing to a lack of access to maternity health care services. Aim: The present study aims to assess the stress and anxiety of antenatal mothers on pregnancy induced noncommunicable diseases in a selected tertiary care hospital. Methods: The study conducted with descriptive approach.134 antenatal mothers in their 28 to 38 weeks of gestation were selected tertiary care hospital by purposive sampling technique. The data were collected from the participant using self-administered questionnaire. The data analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The analysis revealed that distribution of pregnancy induced non communicable diseases among the participant were 43 had GDM,37 had PIH,14 had thyriodism,6 to have anemia. The majority 73%,58.9% of antenatal mother with pregnancy induced non communicable diseases had severe stress and anxiety respectively. There was a strong correlation between stress and anxiety with pregnancy induced non communicable diseases (r=0.67) Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest Early screening and intervention may have great significance for reducing mental disorders of pregnancy induced non communicable diseases antenatal women and in which further help us teach to antenatal mother’s pregnancy induced non communicable diseases and reducing stress and anxiety coping strategies
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