Abstract Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the ingestion of inappropriate items. The items may range from relatively harmless materials (e.g., food from the floor, grass) to other substances (e.g., glass) with risk for serious health problems or even death. Previous studies have shown that behavioral techniques are effective for decreasing pica, but few studies have assessed this in naturalistic settings. The current paper describes a study conducted in a classroom setting in which functional communication was taught to a 6-year-old boy with autism to replace pica. Differential reinforcement of functional communication behavior was used to teach the boy to request food rather than to engage in pica. This procedure decreased the boy's frequency of pica and of attempted pica. Keywords: pica, autism; differential reinforcement; functional communication training; manding. Introduction Pica is an eating disorder often displayed by persons with developmental disabilities (Singh, 1983). It is typically defined as either the consumption of non-food items or the compulsive consumption of both food and non-food items (Albin, 1977; Paisey & Whitney, 1989). Many individuals with pica ingest items that are relatively harmless, such as food from the floor, grass, or bugs (Johnson et al., 1994; Fisher et al., 1994). However, some individuals with pica ingest items (e.g., glass) that can lead to serious digestive problems, health issues, and possibly death (Rojahn et al., 1987). Several literature reviews describe interventions for persons who present with pica (e.g., McAdam, Sherman, Sheldon, & Napolitano, 2004). In one recent review McAdam et al. (2004) summarized the various behavioral interventions that have been demonstrated to produce a clinically significant reduction in pica, including differential reinforcement, overcorrection, contingent aversive presentations, and discrimination training. However, this review also found that the majority of published studies used intervention packages that included a punishment component. Moreover, few of the studies were conducted in natural settings (e.g., public schools, community-based agencies for adults with developmental disabilities). Three published studies have demonstrated that differential reinforcement as the primary independent variable was successful in decreasing the pica of 6 persons with developmental disabilities. In one of these studies, Goh, Iwata, & Kahng, (1999), used naturalistic observations to assess the function of cigarette pica performed by three adult males and one female with developmental disabilities in a state residential facility. The function of pica for all participants was determined to be automatic reinforcement. That is, each participant's pica was maintained by non-socially mediated variables. Next, a series of preference assessments were conducted to identify the specific reinforcing aspect of the cigarette (e.g., the unsmoked filter) and to identify high preference items that could function as competing reinforcers. Initially, for three of the participants, the authors assessed the affect of satiation by providing preferred edible items every 10 seconds, for 5 minutes, prior to the start of a session. Next, the participants were taught to hand a cigarette to their therapist and all attempts to engage in pica were blocked. For the fourth participant, a punishment procedure was used in addition to non-contingent reinforcement to reduce the participant's pica. In another study, Donnelly and Olczak (1990) used differential reinforcement of an alternative behavior (DRA) to compete with the cigarette pica of two adult males. Both participants were differentially reinforced for chewing sugarless mint gum. The results demonstrated that gum chewing successfully competed with the participant's pica. Smith (1987) used verbal prompting (don't touch) and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) to reduce the pica of an adult male participating in community-based supportive employment. …
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