A high-sensitivity preferential etching technique is presented to evaluate crystal defects in a highly As-doped silicon crystal with a resistivity lower than 0.01 Ω· cm. For highly doped n-type Si, a conventional preferential etching technique, such as Secco etching, Wright etching or Dash etching becomes less useful because of a significant decrease in defect detection sensitivity. The new method is quite sensitive to dislocations, stacking faults and oxygen precipitates in highly As-doped crystals with a surface of either (111) or (100). In this method, copper is first decorated at the defect site, then the defect is preferentially etched by a dilute alkaline solution. The technique thus offers us a sensitive and Cr-free method, attractive from an environmental aspect. A correlation between the laser scattering method is also obtained for the oxygen precipitate density.
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