In Capital area of China, many faultdeformational surveying sites were set up sequentiallyfrom 1967. With short leveling, short base line andshort ranging net across fault, a lot of data havebeen accumulated. In 1992, GPS (Global PositioningSystem) measurements were started in China. Two timesof GPS measurements have been made in 1992 and 1995respectively. The International Terrestrial ReferenceFrame 93 and the Precision Ephemeris provided byInternational GPS Geodynamics Service (IGS) fromGlobal GPS tracing network solution are used. In GPSanalysis and data processing, GAMIT software and GLOBKsoftware are used. The results from these two kinds ofdata are discussed. For earthquake risk area judgment,it is of interest to know where is compressional areaand where is tensional area, and generally thecompressional areas are considered as risk area andcalled abnormal area. All the data from shortleveling, short ranging (measured bylaser-range-finder), short base line (measured by baseline tape) and GPS methods can give us the descriptionabout the deformational state of the crust –compressional state or tensional state. The comparisonshows that, some of the two kinds of data areconsistent, a few of them are contradictory, and thenthe results are discussed.
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