relative concentrations of the antigens and antibodies which are present. The rate at which the precipitate forms is likewise dependent upon proportions of the principal reagents, and also upon other factors such as avidity of the antibodies, the size of the antigenic molecule, and temperature. Combinations between antigens and antibodies occur in a matter of seconds, even at 0?C (1,2). Precipitation, the visible stage of the serological reaction, also may occur in a matter of seconds or, depending upon the conditions involved, may require from several hours to several days. Boyd (3) studied the times of flocculation of mixtures of various dilutions of the hemocyanin of Limulus and various dilutions of antiserum. Other workers (4, 5, 6) have made analyses of the amount of composition of the precipitates of reactions which have been permitted to go to completion. Martin (17) made an extensive study of the development of turbidities in precipitin reactions obtained with Pneumococcus Type I SSS. His analysis included the entire range of combining proportions of antigen and antibody. His observations were made at room temperatures and at times ranging from 10 seconds after the mixing of reagents to 5 minutes of reaction-time. Lanni (7) made turbidimetric and microscopic analyses of the precipitates formed in ovalbumin and pneumococcus polysacharride precipitin systems, individually, and after they had been mixed together. He graphically recorded the amount and rates of precipitation in selected dilutions of his reagents; there were curves for the regions of antigen-excess, optimal-proportions, and antibody-excess. His recording-times began at 20 seconds following the mixing of reagents and continued, at frequent intervals, up to 30 minutes of reaction-time. This paper presents a detailed, turbidimetric analysis of a hemocyanin-antihemocyanin system for reaction-times ranging between 20 seconds and 7 days at room temperatures. The rate of precipitation and amoun' of precipitate are recorded for the entire range of antigen