Three or four single-file races in parallel leading to multiple stunners would greatly improve the welfare and meat quality of slaughter pigs. This system would avoid stress associated with forcing pigs into a single line at high production speeds. The pigs would move through this system three or four abreast. However some pig handling problems cannot be solved with design changes. Certain genetic lines of pigs are highly excitable. When these pigs are reared in an environment with low stimulation levels, they become extremely agitated and excited during handling. When driven, they balk, turn back and shelter seek within the herd. Environmental enrichment and selective breeding will be required to solve this problem. Toys and extra contact with people reduce excitability. For cattle, there is a need to fully implement design concepts which are already known, such as solid fences and curved races. For sheep, there is a need to continue research by Kilgour on leader sheep and the sheep carousel. The sheep carousel is a rotating platform containing sheep. It attracts approaching sheep into the race. A double-rail restrainer system, where the animal straddles a moving conveyor, is successfully operating in two calf slaughter plants in the U.S.A. Some advantages of this system, compared with existing V restrainer conveyors, include ease of animal entry, quieter riding by the animal and more accurate placement of the stunner because the operator can stand closer to the animal. REFERENCE Grandin, T., 1988. Double rail restrainer conveyor for livestock handling. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 41: 327-338. The Handling, Transport and Pre-Slaughter Management of Farmed Deer T.L. ALEXANDER Minist~ ~Agriculture, Fisheriesand ~ o d ( M A F F ) , S t M a ~ M a n o r , Beverl~(Gt. Britai~ ABSTRACT The sources of breeding stock for the United Kingdom red deer farming industry are the free living population, parks and zoos, and more recently fully stocked farms. Where feasible, field slaughter of >/10 deer from a large group can be carried out humanely by a proficient marksmanThe sources of breeding stock for the United Kingdom red deer farming industry are the free living population, parks and zoos, and more recently fully stocked farms. Where feasible, field slaughter of >/10 deer from a large group can be carried out humanely by a proficient marksman
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