The Kurjak Antenatal Neurodevelopmental Test (KANET) has revolutionized prenatal care and fetal neurology by providing a non-invasive method to assess fetal neurodevelopment using fourdimensional ultrasound (4D US). Over the past ten years, KANET has been widely implemented across various clinical settings, enabling the early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders. This early identifi cation is crucial for timely intervention and improved long-term outcomes. KANET standardizes the assessment of fetal neurological function, off ering a structured and objective approach that enhances our understanding of fetal behavior and its implications for postnatal development. While KANET demonstrates high specifi city and a low false-negative rate, its sensitivity in detecting specifi c conditions like cerebral palsy (CP) remains limited. The test’s widespread use has not only informed clinical management strategies but also promoted further research into prenatal neurodevelopment and potential prenatal interventions. Recent studies highlight diff erences in fetal behavior in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes, suggesting the potential for KANET to inform future neurodevelopmental outcomes. Continued research and refi nement of KANET are essential to enhance its predictive accuracy and ensure comprehensive postnatal follow-up.
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