Excitation functions of the reactions109Ag(3He,xn) and111Cd(p, xn) have been measured with stacked foil techniques for projectile energies E≦45 MeV and multiplicitiesx≦4 populating ground and spin isomeric states in112−xIn. Preequilibrium (PE) contributions are more pronounced for thep than for the3He entrance channel and for low multiplicitiesx and can be reproduced with the (geometry dependent) hybrid model. The observed isomeric cross section ratios require a reduced population for the high spin state (as compared with the expectation for equilibrated systems) whenever PE emission contributes significantly. Calculations for a full statistical model with a PE decay mode and approximate angular momentum conservation indicate PE neutron emission to be stretched in angular momentum space. For the (p, xn) reactions a more detailed coupling scheme is imperative whereas the (3He,xn) data suggest the competitive PE emission of complex particles.