Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) traditionally relies on long-standing numerical simulation strategies for the Navier–Stokes equations. Recently, interest in data-driven hybrid CFD solvers has spiked, leveraging pre-computed datasets to enhance various weak links inside existing solvers, such as closure models, under-resolved physics, or even to guide numerical resolution strategies. Running these hybrid solvers, notably in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments, presents specific challenges. In particular, context-aware deep learning (e.g. Convolutional (CNN) and Graph (GNN) Neural Networks) is promising for this task, but requires passing data representations between the physics solver and the neural network. In relevant industrial configurations, CFD meshes can be Cartesian but highly irregular, or unstructured, both of which do not match the pixel/voxel structure needed to run CNNs. In addition, discrepancies in programming language and libraries are common between CFD and machine learning applications. This work explores the many challenges of running a parallel hybrid solver in an HPC context, through the coupling of the AVBP CFD solver with neural networks in turbulent combustion and wall friction modeling applications. The knowledge gained is showcased in this article, as well as assembled in an actionable open-source library.