PHAST is a software package written in standard Fortran, with MPI and CUDA extensions, able to efficiently perform parallel multicanonical Monte Carlo simulations of single or multiple heteropolymeric chains, as coarse-grained models for proteins. The outcome data can be straightforwardly analyzed within its microcanonical Statistical Thermodynamics module, which allows for computing the entropy, caloric curve, specific heat and free energies. As a case study, we investigate the aggregation of heteropolymers bioinspired on Aβ25−33 fragments and their cross-seeding with IAPP20−29 isoforms. Excellent parallel scaling is observed, even under numerically difficult first-order like phase transitions, which are properly described by the built-in fully reconfigurable force fields. Still, the package is free and open source, this shall motivate users to readily adapt it to specific purposes.Program summaryProgram Title: PHASTProgram Files doi: provisions: GNU GPL version 3Programming language: FORTRAN 90, MPICH 3.0.4, CUDA 8.0Nature of the problem: Nowadays powerful multicore processors (CPUs) and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) became much popular and cost-effective, so enabling thermostatistical studies of complex molecular systems to be performed even in personal computers. PHAST provides not only an easily-reconfigurable parallel program for Monte Carlo simulations of linear heteropolymers, as coarse-grained models of proteins, but also permits the automatized microcanonical thermodynamic analysis of those systems.Solution method: PHAST has three main modules for complementary tasks as: to map any .pdb file-sequence to its inner lexicon by using a configurable hydrophobic scale, while the main simulational module performs parallel Monte Carlo simulations in the multicanonical (MUCA) ensemble and, the analysis module which extracts microcanonical observables from MUCA weights.External routines/libraries: cuRAND (CUDA), Grace-5.1.22 or higher.