Phenoloids with allelopathic effect (juglone, ctaechin, tannin, gallic acid t-cinnamic acid, caffeic acid, coumarin, thymol, salicin in 1mM concentration) cannot be detected after the absorption from the acceptor plant (bean) by the applied selective analytical method (TLC densitometry). Their localisation can be determined by histochemical reagens (ferrichloride, potassium bichromate, sodium hydroxide). In the foliage leaves and excised bean plants they are present mainly in the parenchymatuos elements of the vascular tissue already on the 3rd day, at the beginning of wilting. Some substances (tropanes) out of the studied allelopathic alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, belladonnin, tropine and caffeine) can be detected only in small amounts (7-8%) or only in traces in the leaf. Others (e.g. caffeine) accumulate in substantial amount (almost 200%) in their original form. Alkaloids,as well as phenoloids, can be detected in lesf tissue by histochemical methods (Dragendorff and Meyer reagents).
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