Synaptic terminals from the axons of type 3 neurons in the A-laminae of the cat LGN impregnated with the Golgi gold-toning procedure were examined at light and electron microscopic levels. The axons were identified by their somatic origin, thin diameter, and, in one of these cells, by dense undercoating beneath the axolemma, which is a known characteristic of the axon initial segment. The axon of one of the analyzed cells was profusely branched and extended throughout most of lamina A within the dendritic domains of the cell, and both types of processes were oriented along projection lines in LGN. This suggests that the dendrites and axons of type 3 cells receive inputs and exert effects, of probably inhibitory nature, within restricted retinotopic regions of LGN. The vast majority of the axon terminals of these cells were distributed in series along axonal branches. In one of the type 3 cells, however, a dense cluster of terminals arising from a secondary axonal branch was observed. Ultrastructurally, the analyzed synaptic terminals of the type 3 cells contained flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles, dark mitochondria, and established synapses that appeared to be of symmetrical type when the membranes were perpendicularly cut. On the basis of these characteristics these terminals are classified as F boutons, following Guillery's (Z. Zellforsch. 96:1-38, '69), nomenclature. The postsynaptic elements to the axon terminals were dendrites of small to medium size, which received "en passant" synaptic contacts in extraglomerular regions of the geniculate neuropil by the terminals distributed in series. The axon terminals located in clusters, however, made synapses with dendrites in glomerular regions of the neuropil, where they were not seen postsynaptic to retinal or other types of terminals. This is in contrast to the postsynaptic nature of F2 boutons in the same glomeruli, which have been identified as dendritic appendages of the GABA positive type 3 neurons in the cat LGN (Montero: J. Comp. Neurol. 254:228-245, '86). On the other hand, the axonal F terminals differ from F1 boutons in terms of synaptic relations and ultrastructure, since the latter have been shown to be presynaptic to F2s and somata and to contain crowded populations of flat synaptic vesicles which give them a characteristic dark appearance. Terminals equivalent to F1 boutons have been shown to originate from perigeniculate cells in the rat LGN. From these observations it is suggested that the geniculate GABAergic interneurons support two morphologically and functionally different type of inhibitory terminals synapsing the dendrites of relay cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
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