Elasmobranch fishes (i.e., sharks, skates, and rays) exhibit remarkable wound-healing capabilities and consistently maintain a high capacity for tissue regeneration throughout their lives. This high capacity for wound healing may be particularly important for neonatal elasmobranchs that are still developing their immune system. However, little is known about the costs associated with wound healing and the potential influence of environmental variables or life history. In this study, we explore (1) the impact of minor, external injuries on the growth and body condition of neonatal blacktip reef (Carcharhinus melanopterus) and sicklefin lemon (Negaprion acutidens) sharks using a long-term fisheries-independent dataset from Moorea, French Polynesia, (2) the influence of ambient temperature on healing rates in neonatal blacktip reef sharks at two experimental temperatures (25°C and 29°C), and (3) variations in umbilical wound-healing rates between blacktip reef and sicklefin lemon sharks using an additional long-term dataset from St. Joseph Atoll, Seychelles. We found no impact of minor, external injuries on growth and body condition in neonatal blacktip reef and sicklefin lemon sharks, accelerated umbilical wound healing in neonatal blacktip reef sharks exposed to elevated ambient temperatures, and distinct umbilical wound-healing rates between neonatal blacktip reef and sicklefin lemon sharks. Enhancing our understanding of sharks' healing capabilities and the influence of environmental factors on this process is crucial for informing handling practices aimed at improving post-release survival rates of captured sharks under current and future oceanic conditions.
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