Objective: To investigate whether a short interdelivery interval from cesarean section (CS) to a subsequent delivery is associated with adverse obstetric outcomes, and specifically uterine rupture.Study design: A retrospective study was conducted, comparing all patients who delivered following CS during the years 1988–2010. Time interval was defined as the time from the day of CS to the day of the subsequent delivery. Women with multiple gestations or more than one previous CS were excluded from the study.Results: Three-thousand one-hundred and seventy-six deliveries were included in the study. Of these, 176 patients had an interval <12 month, 728 had an interval of 13–18 months, 635 had an interval of 19–24 months and 1637 had an interval of more than 24 months. The rate of uterine rupture did not differ between the groups. Patients with short interval of less than 12 month had higher rates of preterm deliveries (11.9% versus 4.9–6.6% in the other groups; p < 0.001). The rate of post partum perinatal death was comparable between the groups.Conclusion: Short time interval is not a risk factor for major maternal and neonatal complications such as uterine rupture and post-partum death. However, in our population, it is a risk factor for preterm delivery.