Chapter 1. The Physics and Ethics of Inequality 1. The Simple Physics of Inequality Measurement 2. The Ethical Implications of Inequality Measures 3. Plan of the Book References Chapter 2. The Need for New Inequality Measures 1. The Data Problem in Inequality Studies 2. Obtaining Dense and Consistent Inequality Measures 3. Grouping Up and Grouping Down 4. Conclusion References Chapter 3: Pay Inequality and World Development 1. What Kuznets Meant 2. New Data for a New Look at Kuznets' Hypothesis 3. Pay Inequality and National Income: What's the Shape of the Curve? 4. Global Rising Inequality: the Soros Super-bubble as a Pattern in the Data 5. Conclusion References Appendix: On a Presumed Link from Inequality to Growth Chapter 4. Estimating the Inequality of Household Incomes 1. Estimating the Relationship Between Inequalities of Pay and Income 2. Finding the Problem Cases: A Study of Residuals 3. Building a Deep and Balanced Income Inequality Data Set 4. Conclusion References Chapter 5. Economic Inequality and Political Regimes 1. Democracy and Inequality in Political Science 2. A Different Approach to Political Regime Types 3. Analysis and Results 4. Conclusion References Appendix I: Political Regime Data Description Appendix II: Results Using Other Political Classification Schemes Chapter 6. The Geography of Inequality in America, 1969 to 2007 1. Between-Industry Earnings Inequality in the United States 2. The Changing Geography of American Income Inequality 3. Interpreting Inequality in the United States 4. Conclusion References Chapter 7: State-Level Income Inequality and American Elections 1. Some Initial Models Using Off-the-Shelf Data for the 2000 Election. 2. New Estimates of State-Level Inequality and an Analysis of the Inequality-Elections Relationship over Time 3. Inequality and the Income Paradox in Voting 4. Conclusion References Chapter 8. Inequality and Unemployment in Europe: A Question of Levels 1. An Inequality-based Theory of Unemployment 2. Region-based Evidence on Inequality and Unemployment 3. Inequality and Unemployment in Europe and America 4. Implications for Unemployment Policy in Europe References Appendix. Detailed Results and Sensitivity Analyses Chapter 9. European Wages and the Flexibility Thesis 1. The Problem of Unemployment in Europe: A reprise 2. Assessing Wage Flexibility Across Europe 3. Clustering and Discriminating to Simplify the Picture 4. Conclusion References Appendix A: Cluster Details Appendix B: Eigenvalues and Canonical Correlations Appendix C: Correlations between Canonical Scores and Pseudoscores Chapter 10: Globalization and Inequality in China 1. The Evolution of Inequality in China through 2007 2. Finance and the export boom, 2002 to 2006 3. Trade and capital inflow in post-WTO China 4. Profit and Capital Flows into Speculative Sectors 5. Conclusion References Chapter 11. Finance and Power in Argentina and Brazil 1. The Modern Political Economy of Argentina and Brazil 2. Measuring Inequality in Argentina and Brazil 3. Sources of Data 4. Pay Inequality in Argentina 1994-2007 5. Pay Inequality in Brazil 1996-2007 6. Conclusion References Chapter 12. Inequality in Cuba After the Soviet Collapse 1. Data on Pay in Cuba 2. Evolution of the Cuban Economy 1991 - 2005 3. Cuban Pay Inequality by Sector 4. Cuban Pay Inequality by Region 5. Conclusion References Chapter 13: Economic Inequality and the World Crisis Bibliography