This chapter describes high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of thiamin and its phosphate esters, which is considered the most sensitive method to determine these compounds at the subpicomole level within lo-20 min. This method is applicable to the analysis of thiamin and its phosphates not only in animal tissues but also in body fluids, foods, and pharmaceutical preparations. This method is also useful in the study of intermediary metabolism of thiamin. In the chromatographic mode, two systems, straight-phase HPLC and reversed-phase HPLC, are used. In the former system, thiamin, thiamin monophosphate (ThMP), thiamin diphosphate (ThDP), and thiamin triphosphate (ThTP) are eluted from a column in this order. In the latter system, the elution order of thiamin phosphates is the reverse. When detection of thiamin phosphates is carried out fluorometrically, two different procedures are used—namely, pre- and postcolumn derivatization methods. The mobile phase used in the precolumn derivatization method of HPLC for thiamin and its phosphates should contain a buffer solution of pH above 8, as thiochrome fluoresces at pH values above 8. All phosphate bonds remain intact when thiamin phosphates are converted to thiochrome phosphates by alkaline oxidation.