To date, no studies have assessed nasal and bronchial response to diisocyanates during specific inhalation challenges (SIC). This study was performed to assess nasal response during SIC with diisocyanates (nasal and oral breathing) in patients with suspected occupational asthma due to these agents. Fourteen patients with suspected clinical history of diisocyanate-induced asthma were challenged with diisocynates in a 7m3 chamber. Nasal response testing during challenges was assessed by acoustic rhinometry, peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF), and visual analog scale (VAS), alongside bronchial responses. Eleven patients had a significant asthmatic response to diisocyanates. None reported clear work-related nasal symptoms. In patients with positive bronchial response to diisocyanates, nasal mean minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) decreased by 26.9%, nasal volume at 5 cm decreased by 33.5%, and PNIF decreased by 28.3%, all from baseline. A positive nasal response was elicited in 45%, 54%, and 45% of patients, respectively. A significant increase in VAS was observed in 4 patients. Three patients with negative bronchial response had a negative nasal response. SIC revealed an objective nasal response in around 50% of patients with occupational asthma due to diisocyanates, in spite of the fact that none of them reported work-related nasal symptoms. The clinical significance of this finding is a poor association between nasal symptoms at work and an objective nasal response during positive SIC with diisocyanates.
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