Previous articleNext article No AccessDiscussionsValue and Parity*Joshua GertJoshua Gert Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Ethics Volume 114, Number 3April 2004 Article DOI Views: 108Total views on this site Citations: 34Citations are reported from Crossref © 2004 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Chris Tucker Parity, Moral Options, and the Weights of Reasons, Noûs 11 (Apr 2022). H. Rast The Multidimensional Structure of ‘better than’, Axiomathes 32, no.22 (Oct 2020): 291–319. Rabenberg Imprecision in the ethics of rescue, Analytic Philosophy 5 (Feb 2022). Muñoz Three paradoxes of supererogation, Noûs 55, no.33 (Feb 2020): 699–716. Fleisher What's Fair about Individual Fairness?, (Jul 2021): 480–490. L. G. Faroldi Towards a Logic of Value and Disagreement via Imprecise Measures, Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50, no.22 (May 2021): 131–149. Peterson INTERVAL VALUES AND RATIONAL CHOICE, Economics and Philosophy 35, no.11 (Jun 2018): 159–166. Bronsther VAGUE COMPARISONS AND PROPORTIONAL SENTENCING, Legal Theory 25, no.11 (Mar 2019): 26–52. Mahtani Vagueness and Imprecise Credence, (Sep 2019): 7–30. E. GUSTAFSSON Does the Collapsing Principle Rule Out Borderline Cases?, Utilitas 30, no.44 (Apr 2018): 483–492. Qizilbash ON PARITY AND THE INTUITION OF NEUTRALITY, Economics and Philosophy 34, no.11 (Dec 2017): 87–108. Elson Incommensurability as Vagueness: a Burden-Shifting Argument, Theoria 83, no.44 (Aug 2017): 341–363. Rabinowicz From values to probabilities, Synthese 194, no.1010 (Feb 2015): 3901–3929. Messerli, Kevin Reuter Hard cases of comparison, Philosophical Studies 174, no.99 (Oct 2016): 2227–2250. Rossi THE FITTING-ATTITUDE ANALYSIS OF VALUE RELATIONS AND THE PREFERENCES VS. VALUE JUDGEMENTS OBJECTION, Economics and Philosophy 33, no.22 (Mar 2017): 287–311. CHANG Hard Choices, Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3, no.11 (May 2017): 1–21. ROSSI Value and Preference Relations: Are They Symmetric?, Utilitas 28, no.33 (Sep 2015): 239–253. Rast Modeling Value Disagreement, Erkenntnis 81, no.44 (Sep 2015): 853–880. Chang Parity, Imprecise Comparability and the Repugnant Conclusion, Theoria 82, no.22 (Apr 2016): 182–214. Gert Parity, Preference and Puzzlement, Theoria 81, no.33 (Mar 2015): 249–271. Schoenfield DECISION MAKING IN THE FACE OF PARITY, Philosophical Perspectives 28, no.11 (Dec 2014): 263–277. Tenenbaum Minimalism about Intention: A Modest Defense, Inquiry 57, no.33 (Apr 2014): 384–411. Rossi Sur la symétrie présumée entre valeurs et préférences1, Les ateliers de l'éthique 9, no.22 (Sep 2014): 82–98. Rabinowicz Value, Fitting-Attitude Account of, (Feb 2013). Rabinowicz VALUE RELATIONS REVISITED, Economics and Philosophy 28, no.22 (Aug 2012): 133–164. Tanyi Desires as additional reasons? The case of tie-breaking, Philosophical Studies 152, no.22 (Nov 2009): 209–227. Andreou Choosing Well: Value Pluralism and Patterns of Choice, (Jan 2011): 48–63. by Joshua Gert Color Constancy and the Color/Value Analogy, Ethics 121, no.11 (Jul 2015): 58–87. Klocksiem In Defense of the Trichotomy Thesis, Acta Analytica 25, no.33 (Nov 2009): 317–327. Benbaji Parity, Intransitivity, And A Context-Sensitive Degree Analysis of Gradability, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87, no.22 (Jun 2009): 313–335. Rabinowicz I—Wlodek Rabinowicz: Incommensurability and Vagueness, Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83, no.11 (Jun 2009): 71–94. RABINOWICZ Value Relations, Theoria 74, no.11 (Mar 2008): 18–49. Brun, Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn Ranking policy options for sustainable development, Poiesis & Praxis 5, no.11 (Jul 2007): 15–31.Ê HSIEH IS INCOMPARABILITY A PROBLEM FOR ANYONE?, Economics and Philosophy 23, no.11 (Mar 2007): 65–80.
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