The Bakhtinian approach has been present in Brazilian official curricular documents since the 1990s. However, its pedagogical appropriation has been guided by the linguistic structure to the detriment of social interaction (Faraco, 2009), demanding efforts in Portuguese school subject teacher training. In this article, the objective is to show how the dialogic discourse theory deepening can contribute to teaching materials production, based on Portuguese language major training experience at the University of São Paulo in 2020. In this experience, the theoretical-methodological approach includes the concepts of speech genres (Bakhtin, 2016 [1952-1953]) and theme (Volóchinov, 2018 [1929]) and on the production of didactic proposals aligned with the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) (Brasil, 2018) and with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Unesco, 2017). In this work, we analyze the proposal “Gênero do discurso e produção de texto: editorial” [“Speech genres and text production: editorial”], identifying the authors' observance of Bakhtinian discursive referents: i) sphere/field of human activity; ii) speech genre; iii) its relative stability; iv) multiple voices in statements; v) thematic totality. The results indicate dialogical quality in the material with the presence of elements that express social dynamics, confirming the relevance of theoretical deepening and its practical application in undergraduate teacher training.