Porous silica microparticles designed for modern liquid chromatography have proven effective in gas chromatography. Columns of 35–50 cm gave plate heights as low as 3.3 particle diameters and speeds of 2400 theoretical plates per second or 500 effective theoretical plates per second. Inlet pressures up to 70 atmospheres were required using hydrogen as carrier gas. The particles as received were too retentive for fast chromatography and gave asymmetric peaks. A coating of fluorosilicone oil overcame both problems. Other coatings were less effective. Bonded phases proved less satisfactory on both counts and also gave substantially less efficient columns and greater flow resistance. Column efficiency and flow resistance were sharply dependent on physical properties of the particles. The most efficient packing was clearly spherical particles of 5–10 μm diameter with narrow size distribution, pore diamters about 50 nm, BET surface areas of 25–50 m2/g and surfaces modified with trifluoropropyl silicone. A six-component hydrocarbon sample was separated in 33 s with a resolution of 4 for the most difficult pair and in 2.6 s with a minimal resolution. Performance was limited by end effects and by available pressure so that much better performance can be expected from longer columns and higher pressures.